Benjamin Kwiecień :eo:

Open on

🌍 Esperantist, educator, and amateur linguist
📚 BA in Persian language and literature
🎙️ Host of Gemini Radio 💁
➡️ gemini://
⚠️ Warning: GoToSocial is currently in alpha; my profile may not be accurate when viewed remotely


Lars Lehtonen

I write Go. I ride bicycles with amateur radios attached. I live in Los Angeles. #cycling #fedi22

Dr. Gaming Power :verified:

This is my fun social media account, I will post a lot of video game stuff (mostly old or cloud gaming) and some work stuff.

If I post an image with no Alt text it is because the image is just there for decoration and doesn't provide any extra meaning to the toot.

#gaming #tech #latino #uk

Mi aventura:

jan Anja :toki:

Wannabe activist, a real human bean, ANTIFA LLC employee

:aro_sign: :ace_sign: :nb: :transbian:

#fedi22 #searchable #gentoo #communist #communism #socialism #socialist #ProtectRussianTransLives #EatTheRich

Gwenillia :trans_flag:

I'm a frontend developer who spend my free time doing backend stuff, playing video games, writing, eating food. I just enjoy learning and spending my time. 😌

Alan Wright 🇬🇧 🇮🇲

love comedy humour, books, films, music; bit of a nerd on the qt .
If I follow you it's because I find your toots interesting.

Sunil Janki

B.Sc. student of Applied Physics and Computer Science. About science and technology, languages and culture and anything else that manages to captivate my mind.


I am a Computer Engineering student who loves FOSS and is learning about privacy, the Internet and languages. I write poems and stories and occasionally some articles.

TL;DR: I write things, test things, make things and break things.



չոլի վրչօ :lusikbysona: @admin@xn--69a.xn--99axc.xn--y9a3aq

this is an instance of a tech & art community of a library in a remote town of Stepanavan.

if i followed you, that means i value your stream and believe it has an educational value. following allows us to have your posts in our global stream.

thank you for letting us read you.


Rvoza esperantisto | organizanto de privata esperanto-kurso PRILUMI por japanlingvanoj | ĵuriano de INK1 (2021) | premio Mauro La Torre (2022) | kunlaboranto de C2-nivelo de KER-ekzamenoj (2022) | Panteono de (2022) | kuirema kaj muzikema.


Nur alia rifuĝinto, kiu fuĝis de Elon Musk Tvitero serĉante azilon for de Trump kaj Pitersen. Mi ankaŭ devas anticipe pardonpeti, ke mia esperanto estas mezbona kaj mia ortografio estas malbona en ĉiuj lingvoj.