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making datacenters obsolete



Colin Mitchell

i make stuff on the internet. also admin of for your fediverse bot fun


he/him. semantically insatiable

SnoopJ 🫠

Hi, I'm James. Eternal dilettante and purveyor of nonsense, much of it about #Python or #physics. I boost more than I post. TANSTAAFL

Avatar drawn by Nick Shea


Doing Stuff


I don't really do much.

N Krishnaswami

Interested in/generally like to talk about
• human rights, justice, inclusion
• computer, social, and data sciences
• public stats (think Census data), open data, and civic tech
• visualization and maps
• math esp. analysis, graphs
• puns
• theatre
• SF/F, sometimes other prose or poetry
• also/esp. the overlaps among the above
• cute animal pics, probably of my cats
Past eng @ Twitter ML Ethics/Transparency/Accountability, Google Search, Bloomberg Portfolio Analytics and IBM System Z. 🏳️‍🌈

Mother Bones AKA Bae'd Runner

Debris from the Twitterspora. Online for news and social justice. Once upon a time I was online for science, psych, tech, cooking, critters, and creative stuff.
I boost a LOT-turn off my boosts if you hate that. No terfs, ACAB, no white supremacy.
Court feed:
News feed:
Weather feed:

Chris Martin

JimyLongs :lpuverified:

Information Security, Lock Enthusiast, Apostate, Machinist.


now all the old troubles will soon be at an end, and all the new ones will begin

Nathan Sorenson

I like functional programming, collecting arxiv pdfs, trying to grok Topos Theory for years, and turning tedious problems into interesting math problems. I also like meditation and consciousness and Self Growth but am deeply suspicious of others who share this interest, in a Groucho Marxian sense

Details of my psychodrama are unimportant but fwiw I try to minimize being That Guy across a variety of dimensions