Gary Strydom's Tiny Car

Open on

oh god


Re-jeninator :blobCatComrade:​

Super cool nerd girl. (She/her)
CW: Mushrooms (inactive only), Alcohol most nights.


queer trans woman who is a communist and makes music. autistic bionicle expert.

Hrefna (DHC)

SRE at Google. Queer. Poly. Trans. Engineer. waterprinciple on twitter. Ace. Member of AWU-CWA. #ActuallyAutistic #UnionStrong


Loyal to causes, not individuals/parties/orgs/nations. N95 mask wearer. Covid isn't done with us. Masks prevent asymptomatic spread & long Covid. Shots don't. Against war, fascism, & the psychopaths creating + profiting from homelessness, mass incarceration, global warming feedback loop & Long Covid. For: tenants rights, abolition, general strike, dissemination of facts on Covid hidden by media & CDC, mutual aid, real reparations & much more.

smoking π’‹†π’„£π’Œ¦π’ˆΎπ’ with 'ilu

anarchautistic agenderfreak


cybering security, sometimes i play wow, sometimes i go outside, anti states, licenced to post.



h from the website

I want three doctorates and your heart | [she/her] | Netherlands


[...] "Revolutions do not allow anyone to play the schoolmaster with them." -- Rosa Luxemburg, The Mass Strike, Chapter 4.

I'm a libertarian socialist, a social ecologist, and a humanist, I know my way around Linux, and I'm partial to speculative fiction and TTRPGs.


musician / developer / cook / tech arsonist

thin membrane between the life of the mind and the world of appearances

Tedeschi Truxton Band

Oh I'm sure I can make it even weirder than this

Theodora H Crank

3erd gen #Hippie, 20-Somthing Online Influencer Without Influence, #History, #Agriculture, #Permaculture, #VSM, #Coop probably #Trans but it was left ambiguous by the showrunners to not piss off fans. B.S. in Sustainable Agriculture and History. Will fight you for no reason.

Attack and Dethrone Ialdaboath.