julienxx julienxx@nein.club

Open on nein.club

Alex Schroeder @alex@social.alexschroeder.ch

Biology, Plants, Birds, Photography, Switzerland, Emacs, Wiki, Gemini, Programming, Tea, Drawing, Music. Moving over from kensanata@octodon.social, slowly.
Languages: gsw de en fr pt.

Steve Lord @stevelord@bladerunner.social

I make things. Mistakes, mostly. Seeking optimistic visions of the future while living in the now. Federation ambassador. 9x Developer. Hacking stats and markets. Big fan of non-capitalist spaces.

Follows welcome but have an avatar, bio and own public posts. Posts licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0, delete after 1 week. #nobot #noindex #noarchive #noscrape

Header image: Nausicaa of the valley of the wind is in her deadly plant garden, saying, "The pollution lies in the earth itself"

cyplo @cyplo@peninsula.industries

Hello beautiful people!
It's me ! I like #climbing #hiking #nixos #rust #woodworking and generally just understanding things I guess. I run peninsula.industries. Anxiety chronic, ass iconic. Also a ham at 2E0LZF. This is not a place of honour. Something something head of engineering at $workplace.
Previously at @cyplo

Marc @m2c_n3e@stackpointer.ws

software developer, occasional recreational bassist, leisure canoeist, right-clicker mentality, too old to fail, posts in EN and DE, he/him

Boosts are endorsements. Old posts may be deleted.

Previous account: @nause_marc


Gabriel C. @gab@hachyderm.io

Internet Frontend Explorer 🌎

Niklas @ytvwld@chaos.social

Wenn ihr mich sucht: Ich bin am Schnittpunkt zwischen Technik und Gesellschaft.

Software, Events und Memologie im @chaosdorf, Informatikstudium und -Verpeilung an der @HHU, Rants und Kalauer hier

silberne Hackermedaille bei Ingress, häufig müde, Autoupdatefluencer

andere Menschen über mich:
* "ein am Handy spielender Halbstarker"
* "jung und dynamisch" "mit der Energie, was verändern zu wollen"
* "Experte für alles"

📸 @hanemile
📍Rhein-Kreis Neuss, NRW
Pronomen: er/he

rakoo @rakoo@blah.rako.space

Francilien de naissance, Azuréen d'adoption, Ligérien de cœur.

A Gauche de la Gauche. Toutes les inepties de ce système remontent au Capitalisme.

Aime la technologie, n'aime pas le progrès.

Tomáš @prahou@merveilles.town

surrealist; low_res artist; follower of the machine spirit

previously on #unix_surrealism:

'the machine bleeds dithered monochrome'

Anthk @anthk@paquita.masto.host

Usuario de GNU/Hyperbola Linux. Rock/Electrónica de los 70 y 80.

xiled @xiled@mastodon.sdf.org

Not necessarily beautiful, but mutated!

Bsdsm@mastodon.sdf.org @Bsdsm@mastodon.sdf.org

Bodil @bodil@social.treehouse.systems

Lavatory assistant to @bark_maul. Plays a Free Software thought leader online. Chef de cuisine at Antifa. Her apes gone, please help