julienxx julienxx@nein.club

Open on nein.club

Carlos Fenollosa @cfenollosa@social.sdf.org

Engineer and entrepreneur

leeb @leeb@bsd.network

What's old is new again.
BITNET revivalist.

enterprisey@wiki.style @enterprisey@wiki.style

Nuclear fusion industry, previously compiler developer; Wikipedia admin.
Segmentation fault (core dumped)
RIP mastodon.technology

mc @mc@hackers.town

A robot hacker rabbit from outer space according to my youngest.

Slightly neurodivergent anarchist vegan buddhist hacker. Chaotic good.

Some important things: libertarian socialism, science fiction, retro-computing, EBM, swords, Emacs, programming, access to source code.

Please don't DM me. Use e-mail, XMPP, IRC, Matrix, or Signal. See Contact.

Posts are autodeleted.

Reclus @reclus@sunbeam.city


Dave MacFarlane @driusan@doomscroller.social

Some guy in Montreal.

Admin account for doomscroller.social.

Mostly interested in
#COVID, #aikido, #plan9 / #9front, #science and #neuroinformatics.


Feoh @feoh@oldbytes.space

I'm a crusty old nerd who chases bright shiny things and loves playing with old computers :) Especially my Atari 800XL and Amiga.

I build castles in the cloud(s) for a living.

David Krauser @davidkrauser@fosstodon.org

logicalwillow @logicalwillow@mastodon.social

the stars will soon align ✨

crowposter @acdw@tiny.tilde.website

emacser, content writer, over-thinker
i like cooking as well
also i run breadpunk.club (badly)

Leonardo @leonardo@mastodon.bida.im

toots in italian, sometimes in english.