sexybiggetje 🐷

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Making pictures and posts about #coffee, #food and #gardening. Mainly #vegetarian cooking.
Look for @martijn for my general account.



Tonya Canning

Recovering academic/Economic anthropologist

Previously: Studied alternative currencies (people who print their own money)
Currently: Figuring life out, living in Nova Scotia, learning to crochet

I make my own vinegar and talk to strangers



Interested observer

Lou Reynolds

Retired software entrepreneur who has been living the dream in CO mountains. Recently built/launched first iOS app breatheX during the pandemic to stay sane. Trying to find a new home now that Twitter has been hijacked.

Paul C14

IT Tech & Baseball fan. Opinions are mine and mine alone.

Sean Bala

Currently in #Chicago - former religious studies student interested in interested in #religion, #philosophy, #ethics, #culture, #environment, #ecology, issues of #community and belonging. Additional tags: #episcopal #ecotheology #books #folklore #nature #travel #literature #fantasy #history #solarpunk #sciencefiction #sff #bookstadon

Love exploring new cultures, interesting ideas, and meeting new people!

"If only I may grow - simple, firmer, kinder, warmer."

Dag Hammarskjold



#F1 Fan. Hiker. Linux and ZFS Lover. Audio engineer. Photographer (OM Digital/Olympus). Tea Drinker. Avid Self-Hoster.

Tim Apol

Carlos A. Parra F. 🐢🐧🦀

Indie dev., cog.sci. student, informatics lover and FOSS advocate. 🇨🇴🇩🇪🇬🇧

Brussels Kitchen Garden

Diary of a Brussels Kitchen Garden. Vegetable growing in a small urban garden within a large modern city.

Vincent De Baere

Enterprise architect, bestuurt scholen, fietsen en deelautos. Reist momenteel de Schengen zone af, als het even kan met de trein