Aaron Bieber qbit@mammothcirc.us

Open on mammothcirc.us

OpenBSD slacker playing with OpenSource and other fun things! Unvetted Rando!

sk-ssh-ed25519@openssh.com AAAAGnNrLXNzaC1lZDI1NTE5QG9wZW5zc2guY29tAAAAIB1cBO17AFcS2NtIT+rIxR2Fhdu3HD4de4+IsFyKKuGQAAAACnNzaDpsZXNzZXI=



Martin Baillie @martinbaillie@mastodon.social

chrowe @chrowe@mastodon.social

Axwx @axwx@infosec.exchange

グレェ「grey」 @byterhymer@mastodon.social

Selenophile, enjoys hot springs & Lovely Angels/ダーティペア sorts of ladies.

On networks prior to TCP.

Before SMTP?

Used UUCP.

Cited in Usenix 2009: helped restore a version of UNIX older than C.

Helped patch an embargoed bug in BIND 2013-4854 by CVE.

Digs: consent, frugivore food forests, demo scene, turntablism, C= Amigas, BSDs, tisanes, poetry, accessibility, undeadly, ジブリ。

Hates: slavery, proprietary, costly, exclusionary, inequity, tyranny.
http://www.artkiver.com also see

Darren VanBuren 🏳️‍🌈 @onekopaka@masto.theoks.net

Software developer and gamer. Born and raised in the County of King, in the state of Washington.

mrh @mrh@mastodon.social

❖ Ultra10 @Sun_Ultra10@mastodon.sdf.org

Vintage & Modern computing... I guess? Certified Coffee Achiever, Sushi Addict, Weeb with weird tastes. Please, don't hate me for it... I'm normal, I swear! ☕🍣

Now my main social media account until further notice because the top twit removed third party apps.

Icon by awr_hey (Thanks!)

stibbons @stibbons@infosec.exchange

Typischer #Retro #Nerd aus Deutschland. Auf der Suche nach gleichgesinnten Menschen, die alte Spiele/Technik lieben und sich rund um diese (und andere Themen) ausstauschen möchten.
Verheiratet. Zwei Kinder. Ein Enkelkind.
Arbeitet tagsüber im IT-Dienstleistungsbereich.

Average retro gaming and computing nerd from germany. Looking for likeminded people who love old games/tech and all the stuff around these (and other) topics. Married. Father of two. Grandfather.
Works in IT during the day.

#RetroGaming #MisterFPGA #Pottery #Töpfern

#MentalHealth #NotJustSad

Marián Mižik @marian_mizik@bsd.network

developer, sysadmin, husband, father, self-hoster. openbsd and gentoo are my systems of choice. hobbies: space tech, hiking, chess, tea, piano, guitar, gardening, dyi, stoicism

Girl on the Net @girlonthenet@mastodon.social

#SexBlogger, #pervert, fuckup. 
I've been running a #SexBlog for over a decade, where I tell stories about #NSFW adventures. I also make #AudioPorn: it's available for free, because I'd love to make #erotica more accessible.

This #sex stuff is genuinely my job (I'm very lucky) - if you like it please consider supporting me on Patreon, or just sharing the stuff you love. I survive on clicks and praise.


Niklas Siefke @niklasfyi@hachyderm.io

Software Engineer @ MazeMap in Trondheim, NO
#Vegan 😋🥑🍑🥦
#Fujifilm #Photography, #Nature and #Coding in my spare time

Meghan @0x0ddc0ffee@infosec.exchange

Occasionally NSFW
Under 18s, begone with ye. On second thought, make that under 21s, as well.

Angry leftist cat mom who used to do computer stuff. Learning to do healthcare stuff. Still messes with Lisp/Scheme, OpenBSD, Plan 9, and a little bit of mainframe stuff. Obsessed with first and second wave goth. Aspiring rope bunny. Avi by Al Foreman of poisonedminds/SSDD