Aravinth Manivannan

Open on

Hello 👋

I'm a Free Software developer currently working on:

  • Accessible automated CAPTCHAS with @mcaptcha
  • Libre forge ecosystem with @gna
  • JAMstack platform with focus on privacy and speed with @librepages
  • Software forge federation with @forgeflux

My pronouns are he/him


Pirate Praveen

Indian Pirates/ Debian Developer, Privacy Advocate,,, Free Software,, Social Justice, Human Rights...


Abhinav ⁉️

Programming languages aficionado, occasional runner, quantified-self enthusiast, and fervent napper. Works as senior software engineer at Google.

If you want to follow me, please make sure your profile has some info that helps me learn about you.

#fedi22 #programminglanguages #software #running #Haskell #NixOS #photography #quantifiedself


Programming languages aficionado, occasional runner, quantified-self enthusiast, and fervent napper. Works as senior software engineer at Google.


On the beaches of Super Sunny Southern California.

(And the remote mountain wilderness of Humboldt)

Slackware, OpenBSD, and a bit of a Debiantard.

#Slackware #Linux #FOSS #openBSD #NetBSD #freeBSD #Debian #ArchLinux #Humboldt #tallship #cheezburgerz

smallcircles (Humane Tech Now)

I'm Arnold Schrijver (he/him). Social coder. #FOSS, #HumaneTech and #Fediverse advocate.

I help foster #Solutions that improve #Wellbeing, #Freedom and #Society

I'd like to "Reimagine Social" and envision the rise of a #Peopleverse where social networking is seamlessly entwined with daily life. I'm dreaming of opening up #innercircles .. but let dreams be dreams, giving guidance at best :)

Previously at: @humanetech

Boosts and favourites do not imply endorsement.


Free time is preferably spent on
• Hobby coding: #PHP, #TinTin++, #Javascript (#BangleJS)
• Reading
• Concerts at #Metropool (, where I also volunteer as (wannabe light) tech.

Day job: #PHP, #Javascript and #SQL.

Header: Painting of a rose flower
Avatar: Head of the Pink Panther, but black

“‎No one remembers the singer. The song remains.”
― Terry Pratchett, The Last Hero

Vince Urag

I’m a software engineer that loves building things with Elixir. I also love mobile photography, check out my Instagram to see some of my clicks. :)

Evilham :antifa:


I work as #PHP developer, with #Javascript and #SQL mixed in.

Free time is mostly spend on coding hobby projects (lately #BangleJS), #reading, and #concerts at the local #music venue, where I also volunteer as technician. (when I'm not playing #DiscworldMUD that is)

Avatar: Head of the Pink Panther, but black
Header: Painting of a rose flower

«I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to misattribute quotes» — Voltaire


I’m aware (and the NSA is), that I’m pretty 🌈. Gallium + Yttrium