
Open on

a human i think

i post about hyperfixations and also my mood occasionally. would like to make friends on fedi :)

"oh my god seb you should not be allowed to write c code" - @ecs

occasionally my avatar changes between various colors in the NES color palette, don't worry about it it just does that sometimes

[insert clever and potentially humorous thing here]


lost time system ✂️

Hi, we're the Lost Time System!
We're plural, transfem, and we run as our personal instance.

We're a graphic designer, Apple enthusiast, and tech tinkerer. We were also a forum admin and a VTuber in a past life.

Headmates don't always tag messages, but more info about our system tags for when we do can be found on our system page.

We are over 18.

lovely nesting partner 💜
my beloved aneki 💚
along for the ride 💜
heart forever stolen by ❤️ 💍


Academically physicist (B.S. and PhD in physics), have worked on firmware, data engineering, data science, cloud and database infrastructure. Here for anarchy and memes. I own a house where I live with my sister, my cat and her dog, and I may post cute animal pictures. Happily childfree. Working on my MSLIS because I care about the future of libraries. I am non-binary, genderfaunet/trans masc #searchable #tootfinder #they/them



Software Freedom Advocate. I try to be helpful. Feel free to message me! 😃

Co-maintainer of sxmo:

Posts here are my own and not my employers'.


Blain Smith

Staff Engineer at | MS of CS candidate | Go | Rust | C | Hare | Linux | Networking | Distributed Systems | Databases

Powerlifter/Strongman. 515# squat | 605# deadlift | 300# bench press | 200# shoulder press

Motorcycles, heavy metal, and tattoos

#Autistic father to an #Autistic / #ADHD kiddo.

"Be excellent to each other." - Bill S. Preston, Esq.


It must be fate

Alexey Yerin

I'm a smol developer/software engineer/however you call this. Mainly working with compilers and language design, also sometimes operating systems.




I'm a college student studying computer science and computer engineering. I'm in the design stages of building a 16-bit TTL stack-based computer, with the hopes of one day writing an operating system for it. I try to administer my own webserver. I like exploring topics in the realms of electronics, programming, and other tech, especially building my own tools from scratch, including a basic assembler (in progress) for my 65C02 breadboard computer.

Lunya :3


A little gay gremlin hiding in your sock

terminally silly and sleepy

hates all computers

socialist, programmer, she/they, 18, insert more funny labels

wants blåhaj now

Lorenz (xha)

writes code (sometimes it even works). free Software, climate-change, good tech (not to be confused with so-called "modern" tech), veganism, music

i am also a huge fan of bikes, commuting ~ 65km (32+ km one way) with my racing (e)bike to work and back nearly every day. also some bmx stuff (not really that good)

the reason i am on fedi is i want to find new stuff/opinions and maby make friends ;)

DNI if you have anything against LGBTQIA+ people idk what your problem is

Re-certified Server Maid

pls have a bio, pfp, and a few posts before following

thot leader, CEO of
your favorite fedi microinfluenza, #1 ad girl for the fediverse
i use :nixOwOs: btw
very gay for @alia
ultra genius inventor of advanced AI @catgpt

due to large volume of follow requests I'm very slow to respond, pls be patient. all requests are subject to a Vibe Check as described in RFC ■■■■

"Astrid always surprises me with her ability to come up with innovative and novel ways to be gay." --
"pwns systems and makes makes them do her bidding" --
"like, 10 shitposters in a trenchcoat" --
"sleeper based timeline contributor" --
"nyanyanyaaaa nyanya nyanya nyanya miaou mewmewmew miaumiau" --
"This bitch be like "nya uwu" and gets front page on HN twice. Desperately needs fluffy ears and a tail." --
"unlikely to spontaneously combust" --, who is clearly not an expert on spontaneous combustion
"all the other testimonials included here were bought from fake reviewers as a part of some type of slimey social SEO scheme" --

opinions obviously do not reflect those of my employer, what the hell were you thinking???



"I own a flower myself," he continued, "which I water every day. I own three volcanoes, which I rake out every week. I even rake out the extinct one. You never know. So it's of some use to my volcanoes, and it's useful to my flower, that I own them. But you're not useful to the stars." The businessman opened his mouth but found nothing to say in reply, and the little prince went on his way.