Sigrid Solveig Haflínudóttir

Open on

A fellow random number generator.


Mallory 🏳️‍⚧️:freebsd_logo:

Gay, loud and annoying.

“Remember when you dig a hole it’s two you gon dig” ~ Robyn


Proud father. Seeker of knowledge. Builder of software. Catcher of light. Soul surfer. Star dust.

Interested in all things computer and software, especially looking into making it all smaller & simpler, self-hosting, disconnecting from the walled gardens and surveillance capitalism.

Very interested in digital arts and working up the courage & knowledge to maybe create something myself..


lisp clojure smalltalk self forth occam erlang haskell apl j k prolog hypercard cybernetics situationism zines artifacts


.mabe - programmer, developer, sysadmin - #csharp #java #javascript #perl #php #python #infosec #android #debian - host of #podcast IT-Keller


Pixels guy. Previously: cameras for pants computers. Now: cameras for face computers. He/him.

Karl Pettersson

Kurerar data och gräver i epidemier.


Generally interested in technology of all kinds, specifically free software, single board computers and microcontrollers. Linux user for a long time and still learning.


foster dad, poetry enthusiast, programmer.
i follow for organized labor, boatbuilding, mutual aid, poetry, voluntary simplicity, degrowth, or b/c ur cool.

:Cat_girls_Emoji_025: hello

i exist elsewhere, but i'm also here.

slow typer

i like making computers do things

slow typer
