Two Posts in One Day ?!

Look at you being so spoiled

Photo de Fab Lentz sur Unsplash

I know I know, this really could have been a toot, but I’m so excited about the minor effort I put into this.

First thing I did was get around to fixing some of the redirect issues on, you see the site has bounced around a couple times and with the host in the UK things were good.

As a part of being an idiot, I moved it off to a self-hosted server, but what I didn’t realise is that the UK host was being a bit too strict with bot blocking. Unfortunately it blocked the Internet Archive

I’ve fixed that to redirect directly over to, hopefully that’ll fix the problem for the Great Internet Archive to freely archive my site.

The second thing I did was move The Taste of Poverty over to an subdomain. Hoo-ray.

Third was some updating email addresses and fixing some things on my Photo Gallery.