LJ Post 1212409

Twitter Updates for 20090516 - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • Starting off Eurovision with some Eurovision related TV from 1TV. #
  • I didn’t realise Germany’s entrant was a ‘merkin. #
  • @Daniel_Baylis isn’t every month international masturbation month? #
  • @duanebrown It’s never a rainy day when it’s Eurovision Day. #
  • Just little over 30 minutes to go until #eurovision…. #
  • @duanebrown I’ve not been home for a week or so, but it seems to be OK as I’m SSH’d in to my iMac. #
  • @duanebrown so it’s safe to say my ‘leccy meter hasn’t run out! lol. Not feeling London though, to expensive and so many Americans. #
  • @duanebrown I think I’ll stay put in Bristol, it’s an active city and I don’t have to sell a kidney to get parking. Newcastle is also #
  • .. nice, yet Northern. #
  • Kate Nash ois on BBC HD - I thought she vanished in to a big dark hole. Too bad she’s come back. #
  • ZALGO HE COMES #eurovision #
  • I swittched off BBC HD, the Norton needs to shush at performance time, watching Russian TV. @divaschematic #
  • Dima’s wardrobe malifunction #eurovision #
  • The russian host is lush. #eurovision #
  • oh look he’s got some fire in his hand, it would be unfortunate if he set alight… #eurovision #
  • israel isnt even europe, so why are they screetching on esc??? #eurovision #
  • @divaschematic - maybe they finish with a bang? #
  • @colmirl wait until next year. #
  • Ah French originality, sounds like every other droll entry.. #eurovision #
  • @divaschematic - she’s so noir she looks like a smackhead. #
  • Sweeden looking and sounding like a man. And very white. #
  • Yay Croatia! #
  • @divaschematic, if I had a body like that I’d love myself too… #
  • Oh dear it’s Portugal. #eurovision #
  • I forgot what a bad LSD trip their stage looked like from the semi-finals. #eurovision #
  • They’re all so happy, I bet they are on LSD #eurovision #
  • And here comes the first glass of wine #eurovision. it’s fooking massheeve #
  • And 43 years on and portugal still ain’t winning norton #eurovision #
  • Oh here comes Iceland’s dolphin in the background…. #
  • @divaschematic The credit crunch affects us all…. #
  • Greece, so white, so handsome. #
  • Bring on the moving floor. FYI by the voting my room will be spinning, so take that Greece. #
  • I mind of like this one, but there is a part of me that says no. #eurovision #
  • This song is going to be played non-stop on MusicBox TV for the next year. #eurovision #
  • @colmirl who cares, daddy is a russian billionaire… #
  • This performance is out of the TATE MODERN. #
  • @colmirl - the baltics take thier eurovision very seriously, this is like firing ping pong balls out your fanny at Wembley. #
  • Based on the crowd reaction we might see Azerbijan hsoting #eurovision, if anybody can find the place…. #
  • I kind of like Moldova, oh wait, that’s the wine talking… #
  • @colmirl you and me we’ll do Moldova one weekend, cos I bet you’re right… #
  • I still really like Malta. This is rather good. #
  • I can’t believe we are now at the 10 left mark…. How did it go so fast? #
  • This differs from the usual wild shite Estonia usually submits to #eurovision. It’s not right. #
  • I just noticed there are people employed to wave torches in the audience, that’s one way to boulster the unemployment figure. Jobs through #
  • Here comes Danish Ronan #
  • If Ireland borrowed this wannabe twat they could have made it in to the final, humiliated, but in the final. #
  • Here comes Germany’s American entry… #
  • What is with that random man? #eurovision #
  • @colmirl dum tak tak :( #
  • Albania is gimp-tastic #eurovision #
  • Why is this the #eurovision favourite? It’s pants. #
  • Why aren’t we seeing more of this years hosts? #
  • @colmirl she was trying to pull off Anthe’as bow off the inauguration. #
  • There is always a special place in my heart for Ukraine, this is no exception #eurovision #
  • That poor woman in blue, she’s on #eurovision and nobody will ever know. #
  • @divaschematic the man that’s going to pull us some favourable votes me thinks #
  • I really love elderly Eminem #
  • @divaschematic - it’s all probably engineered by the swedes anyways… #
  • @divaschematic - only the Russians would do something so brilliant and pointlessly expensive. Now we know where EUR29k of that 30k went… #
  • @colmirl I just want to see that Sveltelius Whatshischopsus - he’s my hero. #
  • Clearly only beautiful people live in russia. #eurovision #
  • I’m really starting to wish I voted for Moldovia…. #
  • @colmirl, Russia has form for doing that in previous years! #
  • @colmirl I wonder if the losers will be carted off to Goulags. #
  • Whats with the moisened bint? #
  • OMG #
  • That was the most amazing performance ever. Screw you china and your olympics. #
  • While Graham is chatting to lloyd webber we’ve gone back to eurovision #
  • So we got 10 points, that’s pretty much it right? #
  • I always hated the belgians #
  • @colmirl Yep dodgy maltian club. #
  • We’re 2nd! lets kick some norwegan ass. #
  • Bastard Germans#, spoiling our parade again. If it’s not air raids it’s eurovision. #
  • damn you sweeden! #
  • if iceland vote norway i’ll shag their economy. #
  • bastard french! #
  • that presenter off latvia is decent but he’ll have to die for those 2 points. #
  • @colmirl Sexual. #
  • @colmirl it’s not the shirt, it’s what is under it. #
  • The more I hear that stupid Norwegan song the more I want to slap that face. #
  • @colmirl Anything but bloody norway #
  • Ireland has alot to answer for, so many better choices, but Iceland? ICELAND? #
  • Yeah thats what norway thinks of Eurovision, he just broke the trophy. #

Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there.
