LJ Post 1220943

Freak out the masses get drugs WIN - Originally posted to LiveJournal

I’m still bored of Swine Flu. BBC News has been harping on about it for the last hour now with advice for expectant mothers (PANIC! DON’T USE PUBLIC TRANSPORT!), for children (PANIC! YOU’RE PROBABLY CARRYING IT NOW!) and so forth. Seriously.

I know somebody who’s child was diagnosed with Swine Flu.
How you might ask, well they go through a check list and if most of them seem to fit then they scream SWINE FLU and pack you full of Tamiflu. The GP also spotted it could be an ear infection, so they packed her with antibotics for that too.

No points for guessing which treatment was successful. I’ll give you a hint, it wasn’t Tamiflu.

That’s like going to a GUM clinic with a cold and being diagnosed with HIV because some of the symptoms seem to meet a criteria. Imagine the panic (EVERYBODY HAS HIV!).
