LJ Post 1229443

Touch my disco stick - Originally posted to LiveJournal


I thought I’d make a post to livejournal since my broadband has gone apeshit at home and is rather randomly letting me in every so often.  So I can’t man handle Margret Thatcher by SSH or VNC.  Boo hiss.

So what’s new in my existance?  Well not much, but hey ho this is the exciting world of being me.  I was going to see District 9, but my mate pulled out at the last minute.  Then was going to do some drinks with the following day but then he got hungover and tired.  So my weekend was a bit of a washout, but where there is failure one can find success in the Tescos.

I got some Kimchi action on.  Woo!

Other than that, I can’t really say much because I’m clearly leading a boring shitty life.
