LJ Post 1237167

Recently Twattered - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • 00:06 Black folk, when you're in a horror film hide yo ass and let whitey die first. #
  • 00:19 Three black people and one cracker bitch, i think this bbc one zombie film is a bit racist. #
  • 00:20 @JayJager i felt some sick in my mouth when i read that. #
  • 00:34 Great the twinky got messed up by the living dead. Was this horror made by the bnp? #
  • 14:04 Watching dog the bounty hunter. Go with christ brah. #
  • 19:43 There is a serious level of cockassery on the roads tonight. #
  • 21:14 Casualty is successfully providing me with weekend crazy. Just like outside my window. #
  • 22:50 The government can if stuffed now we're being told um drive 5 miles less. How? Going to letvitate my ass the last few miles? #
  • 23:00 @bifnaked bankers ruined the economy with their lack of orange related humour. #
  • 23:20 @colmirl i'm glad to be that itv-less tweet. #
  • 23:28 @cherylprolapse spread aids for christmas? It's the gift that keeps on giving! #
May this have been a meaningful post.
