LJ Post 1244136

Overheard in Morrisons - Originally posted to LiveJournal

For those who don’t yet know, Morrisons is doing a 4pk of Carlsberg bottles for a quid a pack. Obviously there is a limit of 3 per customer.

As I walk through the door trying to grab some lager action I’m blocked out with this conversation:-

C = customer unit S = stock chap

C … But we’re two customers. S the offer is a quid a pack to a maximum of three. C BUT WE’RE TWO CUSTOMERS S only if you pay seperately. C well that’s silly Iets not bother then.

Seriously either take the offer or bugger off don’t cockblock other customers so you can faff around making yourselves look midly retarded.

Envoyé avec mon BlackBerry® d’Orange
