LJ Post 1292476

Twitter Updates of the Day - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • 19:22 @FagHagMom totally loving the tiger slipper action sexy ladee! #
  • 22:48 This is my most awesome phone. Feel the #crackberry love #bb #bbnotbarebackyoufreakysexperv twitpic.com/1opaci #
  • 22:51 @duanebrown so is murder. Let me know if you need an alibi and a place to hide a body. #
  • 22:53 @oshiewan bisexuals they skip red lights have no insurance and no road tax. Or am I thinking bicycles? #
  • 22:55 I've had my tits up with web2.0, I'm twittering and livejournaling from now on. Life is so much more simple like that #lj #livejournal #
  • 23:10 @colmirl It like getting married without something borrowed or blue! #
  • 23:44 @oshiewan ah yes the whole cake thing with the having of and eating it. #
  • 23:45 @oshiewan I also left my last tweet at 69 characters, I thought it would be a fitting tribute ;) #
  • 23:46 Jesus christ, I'm out in the boonies and even here the fucking police are hovering in their choppers. Fuck off constabulary, it's bed time! #
