LJ Post 1302202

a hrefhttpwwwxfyrecomswlj2mehtmlLJ2MEa Summer - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Here I am sat in my car listening to some hardcore in the respectable Englishshire country side. Although it’s a touch on the cold side (for what should be a summer season) it’s very pretty!

Too bad I’m far too much of a cracker to deal with the sun. It’s like vampyre-ism and all that jazz.

Reviewing my tweet from this weekend where I thought it would be a proper good idea to toddle off to @BristolFanPark at Queens Square I’m glad I didn’t after seeing the following days news! NCIS, CSI and Law and Order kept me away from some police harassment that evening. How very ironic.

Anyways, not too much on for the next little while may end up doing something at the end of the month if I can muster some “entertainment” monies for once!

Workwise all is going groovy and I get a few interesting work related weekends away over the next few months so that should be good fun too (I sound like a balloon fanatic and trust I’m so not)!

Hardcore Mix nr3