LJ Post 1306315

Get Your Performa On - Originally posted to LiveJournal

So since I’ve not actually written anything of potiential value, have a look at this photo.

I got my table from Ikea and set-up my Performa. It’s wonderful, like going back in time. It reminds me of my old faithful mac performa I had back then. Ah fun times.

Other than that nothing interesting occured, just been workin’ and stuff.

Oh let me show you a witty text exchange:-

Me: Just thought I should tell you, I had a wet dream about you last night. You were in a bath tub and I was drowning you and you splashed me. Son of a bitch.
Him: I splashed u i should of set u on fire lol
Me: You were being afixiated at the time, so in fairness you were a bit preoccupied. Plus I overwhelmed you with my ninja skillz. Just admit it, I killed your dream self, now get over it you lost.

My friends totally out awesome the rest of yours.

Originally published at Кевин.com.ua. You can comment here or there.
