LJ Post 1340533

My tweets - Originally posted to LiveJournal

  • Thu, 12:26: Just posted a photo http://instagr.am/p/br1y/
  • Thu, 21:13: Catching the 2047, ETA 2142. Good thing I got a few pints down me in t'pub! (@ Pewsey Station) http://4sq.com/9OxkQh
  • Thu, 21:20: Hahaha! A robovoice from national rail apologised using "I am extremely sorry", yeah making customer service "personal" #fgw
  • Thu, 21:35: Anybody on #fgw 2047 to plymouth? Are you actually moving? #firstgreatwestern
  • Thu, 21:45: Come on #fgw, you need to supply me with a train or I'm having a piss on your platform. I've been bursting for at least 30mins!
  • Thu, 21:50: GHOSTLY HONKING IN THE DISTANCE! It's probably a ghost train to be fair. #fgw
  • Thu, 21:55: Holy shit. #firstgreatwestern you should be ASHAMED the toilet I just had to use was covered in FAECES, pan, sink, walls, EVERYWHERE!
  • Fri, 11:18: Just got out of bed. Was going to go to asda, but now settled for Tesco Metro. Far too cold for that distance.
