LJ Post 1416910

Oh debt collectors - Originally posted to LiveJournal

I do love my conversations with debt collectors, they are so funny. Trying to throw lies and general shit to intimidate people.

This is how it started, I get a text:-
Kevin, I am due to CALL to your address NOW! To STOP ACTION call 01617381201 to make a token payment TODAY! Tyson McKenzie . CASE ID XXXXX

This is how this call then went:-
Me: who dis?
Them: LOLZ collections.
Me: nao why u txt me?
Them: it's about an outstanding account, you need to make a token payment to stop action.
Me: you mean the account my management plan has been paying? Since last June?
Them: yes, you need to make a token payment.
Me: I believe those would be classed as payments.
Them: Well we don't have to accept payment plans.
Me: they are paying you what I can afford.
Them: we don't have to accept payment plans and it's not enough. The outstanding amount is €367! Can you not make a payment today.
Me: no. And any of your agents are not welcome at my home address.
Them: we will come around and take action.
Me: I've just told you that your agents are not welcome and I highly recommend you put that in writing and go back to my debt management company.
Them: thank you for your call then and I will see you later.
Me: no you won't.

Why I find this so amusing is, first of all they have little room to threaten me. They are being paid what I can afford and they are more than welcome to take it to court but they'll be paid a whole lot less for it and the cost of actually dragging me in there they will more than likely never get back.

Secondly, I ain't even angry. They tried to wind me up in to a fight but all they got was a wall of not havin' it.

Thirdly, they shan't be seeing me later, I gave them a direct instruction and they (without a court order) do not have the right to come to my property. By coming to my property after such instruction is considered harassment, which other than being illegal is also foul of the code supplied to collection agencies by the OFT.

So the moral of the story is, if you know what you're talking about then you're a force to be reckoned with. If you haven't a fucking clue, then you probably work for a debt collection agency.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPhone.
