LJ Post 1539886

Woah ads - Originally posted to LiveJournal

One of the things I implemented last night on my site ec.je happens to be Google AdSense, I’m not going to lie, I am a broke ass bitch and the £53 I made in the past three years be staring at my sorry self waiting to hit the big £60 payment.

I already put WordAds here, since they don’t really interfere, plus I have included a DreamHost ad that shares my referral funds (which incidentally all referral cash goes to my hosting bill). And for my blog that is more than enough.

For ec.je, I can be a bit liberal, but Google has gone FULL ON CRAYLAY. Like I mean, now I understand why Buzzfeed looks like Times Square or Piccadilly Circus. Like I know not a lot of people read my blog, I don’t really write it for that reason, but if hundreds did, what Google is doing on the other site would totally drive you all mad.

I’m not 100% sure that I will keep the Google Ads up there, but I promise you dear reader, they’ll stay up until I get my hard earned 60 squids.

Although in the interim I will see if I can do anything to reign in the old banners. I did also make sure those annoying mobile pop ups will not be a thing. You can at least thank me for that.

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