LJ Post 1550980

How I Broke BBSyt - Originally posted to LiveJournal

One of my favourite past times is doing updates and breaking shit. If anything it is the pinnacle of running any web app. Why wait for a h4x0r to take you down, when you can DIY.

BBS.yt is an installation of Chevereto that runs on DreamHost, since my one of my cloud storage spaces is DreamObjects, and Chevereto happily will use that to dump my pix in without any issues. Which is great since it’s better than dumping pix on Google.

A couple days ago I get a notification that Chevereto is needing an update, not a problem, click a link and let it do its thing. Except this time, dumb ass did it on his phone.

This is a bad idea since it timed out and spanked everything to a white screen hell. Not my best moment, but there you go, it happened. It took me another couple days to remember I shagged it completely and trying to figure out how to undo the mess I made.

Which is precisely what happened today, thankfully it was a success and now BBS.yt lives for another day.

As you can probably tell from the absolute boringness of this particular post, I’m aiming to do more journal writing (hem blogging) this year to improve my SEO Influencer rating to be less boring.
