LJ Post 346568

Whatever - Originally posted to LiveJournal

I hate work, as in I hate this fucking job I hate it so much the only thing keeping me from killing everybody is the pay (even though it’s shit), if credit cards, loans and bills would pay them selves I’d axe the fuckers.

Anyways, my great irritance is this laptop shit and my lack thereof because it’s has nothing to do with my work, oh wait, it does.

Other people have their little fucking laptops fixed/bought within a matter of hours, I however seem to be responsible for my own laptop and it’s my problem, but wait! I have tonnes of shit to do whilst some un-named manager sits around fucking around with excel for the day, last time I checked it took only mere minutes to do that.

Today even I was out in the Newport office with of course no laptop and no form of doing my work remotely however I was still being pushed calls from a certain person expecting me to magically do this shit without the use of a PC. Bright ideas.

So tomorrow I’m going to ignore all the whiney calls, all calls in fact, even ignore what he asks demands I do “now” until my laptop is sorted, oh and it’s going to happen at any costs, because I’m just going to authorise that shit seeing as I have little to no chance of ever having a replacement within the next 3 years.

Oh and what makes this better is I have to talk to my fucktard father and get moaned at for various things tomorrow as it’s going to be my fault I was sent to Newport.
