LJ Post 353477

Thank you for being A STUPID WHORE - Originally posted to LiveJournal

At lunch I went in to town, it was fun (well, not really), as I was attempting to reverse out of my 40p parking spot some cunt decides he’s going to stop right be hind me and carry on a conversation that lasts roughly 5 minutes.

Now if the lights on the car were anything to go by he would have seen I was attempting to get out, and if he had looked into my rear windscreen he would have most likely seen some rude hand gestures and possibly me calling him a “fucking cunt-tard monkey vagina whore face”.

Once that idiocy had passed I resumed my journey to the petrol stating to clean The Bitch who has already been cunty enough by ingesting a cd which I have now been forced to listen to at least 15 times because The Bitch has decreed that radio is for people other than myself.

But of course some tosser parks his car in the entrance to the car wash making everybody wait for him to get back with his ticket (thus ensuring he doesn’t have to wait) so after about 10-15 minutes I finally get in, The Bitch is washed and I continue to go back to work.

Once I get into the car park her whoreness (The Bitch) makes a small point that it can leech all my money at any given point by lightly steaming (due to the cold weather not of any form of coolant running-out-of-ness) and scaring me shitless, untill of course I caught on.

So hurrah, that was fun.
