LJ Post 390061

I 3 Mondays - Originally posted to LiveJournal

First thing Monday morning and he’s being a cunt. Nice.

We have this new system SalesLogix which were supposed to use to put shit (read: whinings by idiots on “me kan’t strat teh kompooter cuz I’m teh dumbe” and other such things).

Now I already loathe the system because he decided (read: insisted) to show me all this shit on Saturday, which I’m not paid for thus I don’t really give a flying fuck, unless of course they pay me more cash then I’ll give them 5 minutes of my time on a weekend. But I digress, so back to my orignal point, I have a username and password of sorts which I asked “what are they so I may use this flaming piece of shit lovely new system of glory blessed by god himself” to which he says “it’s going to be [insert non-functional data here]”, I reply “That does not work” which of course gets a shitty reply.

Oh and look at the new shit I need to do:

Tracy was promised one of the old PCs by Rex when he visited last year. Could you clean up one of the old HCL machines on the shelf downstairs and send it. All that should be on it is Windows 95/98.

We weren’t aware of this until late January when Ernie and Peter visited Devizes. and Tracy’s monitor requires hitting to make it come on, reported by Ernie/Peter.

Please purchase a new 17“ monitor (NOT flat screen) and have it delivered directly to Durham. Preferably it should be black/grey to match the Dell machine.

The first one I couldn’t care really, I’m tempted to smash in a new harddrive with sweet fa as I’m now personally responsible for her home machine. This is why I require more pay as I’ll now have to hear “my home machine….” all the fucking time.

The second one, well, I’m really tempted to start some serious office drama up there by geeting her a flat panel, because that would just make me laugh.

Oh and before I forget these tickets were dated “14/02/04”. Again, why I need more money as I’m forced to deal with work shit all the bloody time.
