LJ Post 412079

YAY - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Today I do not care, I do not care about this fucking excuse for a shit job, I do not care about people and their fucking attitudes, I don’t care at all.

I was just on the phone with my manager who is at home ill, I called him once as I’m neck fucking deep in shit (as a direct result of him not being here) I have NO IDEA how to even find DB forms let alone MODIFY and/or USE it to fix my present problem so I had NO OTHER CHOICE than to ring him up and all I fucking get is attitude.

Sorry, what the fuck, you call me when I’m off so shut-the-fuck-up, I do not need that fucking attitude and quite frankly I could have just left it and ignored the minor fact that one of our offices can’t produce paperwork, which means they can’t work and in the end it’s YOUR ass that goes in front of the FD, SO BE FUCKING HAPPY I called.

I need a pay rise to work here up to £30,000pa I’m not dealing with these fucktards for the pennies their paying me.
