LJ Post 433277

433277 - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Ste: you know that post about the Doors for Townies? Kevin: In Chav Pictures? Ste: yeh Ste: i am so bored, i am going to remake it Kevin: Going to show your Ph0705h0p 5k1llz then? ;) Ste: lol no Ste: my 1337 Paint Skills Kevin: If you sex it up well, I shall award you the “much 13373r th4n m3” award. Ste: lmao Ste: i need a 3rd door Ste: i got Crime, Benefit Faud Kevin: “Clapped out Nova being clamped for failure to pay road tax and driving without insurance or a licence.” Ste: lol Ste: Crime, Benefit Faud and Prison Ste: Good
