LJ Post 476279

BMW Drivers are to be shot in the streets - Originally posted to LiveJournal

There were some real fucking winners on the road today, but only one of real mention.

This cunt in a BMW (I sense you’re not suprised) at two points within a 5 minute period manged to cut me up and nearly take the side off of my car because he wasn’t paying any attention to anything.

First down a two lane one way system as he’s turning into it I was stopped and now I’m just in the process of dropping my handbrake and moving foward when he decides to pull right out in front of me without even looking. Thankfully I had enough time not to smash in to him.

Then we approach the traffic light controlled roundabout, which you must read the road markings and signs or you’ll end up crashing, he ignored all of them and moved into the 2nd lane, I being in the 3rd lane was in the right for what he was about to do.

Once the light goes green, he continues in the 2nd, now first lane, which is due to exit after this set of lights. If you’re in this lane you get off the roundabout, if you’re in the third (now second) lane you have full access to ALL of the lanes after this traffic light.

Now my lane is the furthest out, so I cross over the two other lanes, I’m not wrong in doing this, it says it on the road markings. So I make my move in to my lane, however, cunt-tard seems to think that he’s more than entitled to access the lane I’m moving into, so much so he’s willing to shunt me out of the way to prove it.

As I’m moving left, I checked my mirror, which I did in good time because I find this beemer about to take off the passengers side of my car. So now I’m left with cutting up who ever is to my right and quickly accelerating to get in front of this plonker as I can’t do anything else.

What a fucking moron, seriously, the DVLA should take away your licence if you don’t have the ability to read white on black, or in the case of the signs, black on white.

Actually, since all BMW drivers seem to be utterly incompitent, the DVLA should have them executed gang-land style.
