LJ Post 509908

Signs that your brain may just be dead - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Customer Service Lady: Mr. Costelloe, can you provide me with letter number X from your password? Me: Yes, K for Cake, no wait, for Queen, err, Cat, ARGH! Customer Service Lady: laughing (at me) don’t worry sir, I know what you mean.

I swear I can be a real idiot sometimes and when I am it goes far beyond “harr harr that was funny” stupid, it’s actually more like “MY MUM AND DAD ARE BROTHER AND SISTER HURR HURR HURR!” funny style.

Also in unrelated news: Playing with MoblogUK, seems genious enough. And yes I do realise that I know have about 18 thousand of these things running, but I can’t help but abuse the shit out of anything that is remotely interesting.

edit: I should also mention here, that my email address for my mobile phone is madsquirrels (at) o2 dot co dot uk, why does this matter, well it doesn’t at the minute but should it ever become interesting and useful I’ll let you know.
