LJ Post 523393

GOD BLESS THE BBC AND ALL WHO SAIL HER - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Unless you’ve been living under a large stone for the past few days, you’d have realised that the EVIL HEATHEN BBC is GOING TO CORRUPT OUR CHILDREN AND EAT FETUSES OF ALL GOD FEARING CHRISTANS (as the Daily Mail would have you believe) by broadcasting THAT COMPLETE AND UTTER FILTH Jerry Springer - The Opera.

I for one will be watching this, because it sounds like a quality programme and I feel that my licence fee has been wasted on programmes like Songs of Praise and the complete and utterly toff biased Country File (which gave us such great quotes as I don’t like how the chicken industry treat the birds, so I bought these and I’m rasing them organically, they’ll live twice as long as they do in a factory. But I’m offended when people say it’s wrong to hunt foxes with dogs, even though the fox is killed by the first dog).

And for those who don’t know the background here are some news bits:

BBC Boss defends decision to broadcast the programme. Uninformed people complain. BBC Have your say, Jerry Springer - The Opera. And finally, fair and unbiased version from ABC News.

Also, I hope the licencing goons stop by all the protesters homes and ask to see a valid telly licence, oh how funny that would be!

edit: I know I used the line “here is some news bits”, but in my defence it’s proper Wiltshire grammar (oh Sweet Jesus, Jon was right when he said “you’re starting to sound Wiltshire”). EMO GOTH TEARS!
