LJ Post 524921

Because email posting is shit - Originally posted to LiveJournal

So I got the “send us your card OR ELSE!!11” letter from the bank today, so I enclosed a letter, in fact, I enclosed this letter:

Kevin Welford-Costelloe XXXXXXXX Melksham Wiltshire SNXX XXX

12 January, 2005

First Direct 40 Wakefield Road Leeds LS98 1FD

Reference: XXXXXXXX

To Whom It May Concern:

I have enclosed my card as requested and have cut it up as well (in four quarters). However, I’m enclosing this letter to clear up a few points which I should have brought up with your customer service representative on the day, but I was pre-occupied with finding out my employer didn’t pay my full wage that I didn’t fully take that opportunity.

In regards to the use of my Switch card while my account had no available funds, I’ve reviewed the charges and they are both subscriptions which if you review your records will notice that they come out during that time every month (except that they were delayed this month due to bank holidays). I did also note that my account had no available funds a few days prior to the charges being made to the card.

This indicates to me that although my account did not have sufficient funds to clear the transaction, the bank authorised them anyway. I’m quite suspicious on this as it, from first glance, appears this is exactly what was meant to happen. On a number of occasions when receiving phone calls from CSRs they have rung me on my home & mobile phone (my home answer phone also states my mobile number, so there is no excuse not to), however on this occasion a message was left on my home line and nothing further. Which obviously makes my thoughts on this matter to seem correct.

I’d be most interested in hearing your views on this matter and if I’m incorrect then I’m incorrect, but going by the dates you can see why I felt the need to send this letter.

Thank you for your time,

Kevin Welford-Costelloe

Obviously I don’t care if I didn’t explain fully what I wanted to as my first draft of this letter was 50 point “YOU FUCKING SCOTTISH CUNT” then my signature. So any improvement on that shouldn’t be knocked.

Also I almost had a heart attack today. I was on a roundabout, 1st in the queue and an ambulance is coming from behind, so like everybody else I get to my respective side of the road (being my right) and mount the kerb of the island.

Now once the ambulance gets through I make my move to straighten up, so I disengage the handbreak and lift the clutch further from the biting point in an effort to go forward, but I instead go back. I quickly slam the break and hope to god I didn’t bump the BMW behind me. I wait for a bit to see if I made contact with the BMW, but the driver shows no signs of any type of contact and I proceed on (as by then she had more than enough time to indicate to me that we needed to exchange papers, by way of horn sounding or walking up to my car.) So I head off.

She’s still following (as we’re both on the same road) so I take the opportunity to speed up and see her front bumper, no dammage or scuffing (mind you she was close enough to my car she could have been sitting in the back seat). And once I got to work I checked my rear bumper, again no dammage or scuffing so nothing happened and the gods stopped me just in time (cheers Bhudda! You always me home gawg).

And that is my interesting day so far (woo).
