LJ Post 530342

530342 - Originally posted to LiveJournal

I had the most odd zombie dream last night. It makes all my other zombie dreams look like a film of fluffy little rabbits jumping about in a field.

First of all we all started in ‘mid zombie crisis’, so after the zombies took over and everybody realised why Aunti Green was feasting on Uncle Dave’s brains.

Picture a motorway bridge, which was really some tram rails, and a dual carriage way, underneath, going in to a small village with buildings on the left and a field on the right. There was only a shop, a large nuclear fall out stylee building and a high speed tram station. Nobody had homes as it was too unsafe, you know with a zombie infestation and all. So everybody lived out doors and underneath this bridge and when a/many zombie(s) managed to get in to the area that was sealed off with a not so massive crazy electric fence everybody would hide in the shelter and the men folk would kill the flesh eating bastard(s).

Now, the road was closed at the junction on the other side of the tram rails and a few hundred yards after the fall out building as well as the area surrounding the tram station (there was a waterloo line style door system to keep the zombies from entering via the tram rails).
Anyways, for a while I was in this bit, where day to day tasks were carried out and I sat having a conversation with people watching a film (projected on to the shop wall from outside). Then at one point some yobs in a Clio get past our zombie fence and start shooting up the place and of course our zombie defenses wern’t made to keep cunts out.

So I, for some reason, was outside of the fenced in area and was subject to harassment by zombies. I managed to get away from them and of course set off some OTT explosions. Which was cool.

Then, for some odd reason, a group of us went in to a large city, via the tram link, where zombie and the living live in piece, sort of. The authorities couldn’t obviously remove the zombie threat so all the buildings were inter-connected by bridges and transport was limited to tram and car (cars were of course fitted so they could be driven around on the roads with anti-zombie fittings and hard rubber tyres), there were also parts of the city that were closed off and you were allowed to walk around without the zombie threat.

Then it all got weird, after going to a charity shop, zombies managed to break in to the area, so of course a number of people tried to escape, and we all ran for the high speed tram line, but this line was decomissioned because it used to go under the river, but a few hundred people died in the station and became the living dead, so it was sealed.

We didn’t know this and drove the train left on the platform down to the station (after killing a few zombies who were in the carriages) and had to stop before the station as there were doors to block the platform entrances.

So after entering this area of track and dembarking the train we hear zombie masses from outside and seal the flood doors. Thats when we realise on the other side of the other doors (leading to the station platform) that there were more zombies and we couldn’t just fling the doors open and drive on through (as we would have had to make it through to the other sets of doors and opened them).

So we split up and wandered around, I found a room that had a door to a cabnet sized room and also in that room was a dog, who happened to look like Harvey, but was an evil zombie dog who wasn’t Harvey. So I picked up the dog as it was going ape shit trying to eat me and threw it on to the small room and slammed the door.

At that point I woke up cos I had to go for a waz. There was more to this dream but some bits are just vague and I also don’t have the time to write it all up. This is why I should do films as with a bit of dollar behind me I could make TEH BASTE zombie films EVAR.
