LJ Post 565742

- Originally posted to LiveJournal

I can’t be fucked with fucking banks. They won’t refund it “because we’re in the right” right my fucking ass. The chap on the phone wasn’t exactly convincing me that Saturday isn’t a business day, especially when they proccess transactions on saturdays (seriously, deposit cash in a branch on a saturday and see when it clears). I’ve managed to get £10 for four of my xbox games which would have got me much more if I were to sell them on ebay, but time is against me. I’ve also got some cash which I was saving for petrol for the rest of the month, but I’m ebaying things again so I’ll get it back eventually.

I’m still a bit short after everything, which leaves me in a position of either taking out the rest of the money in my bank account so when it does go boom I still have money (rather than the bank sucking it) and repay it later, or I manage to get the remaining in today. Which knowing my luck won’t happen.

In other news, not to sound like a me want pitty post, but I lost it on my way to work and started to cry in a traffic queue. Classic.
