LJ Post 590013

Ugh - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Linux is an arse.

Grminir is back on Fedora now, but I have a problem, Grimnir also has four other ip addresses which one of them MadSquirrels runs off of, however, in this new glorious release of Fedora it won’t masquerade without the source being trusted.

Now you may say ‘trust the blimmin device you monkey’, but I can’t since trusting it would mean it bypasses the firewall and then I’ve got a machine with every port open out on the internet. No sale.

I’m sure there must be a way around this, but for now other than enountering the horror of all horrors that each back up of the sql tables don’t work and I’ve got to rebuild everything from scratch I’ve got alot of hand work to do on Plunder.it and MadSquirrels.com (after this DNS mess is sorted out seeing as my dedicated ips are buggered).
