LJ Post 614298

New Animation from Plastic Robot TV - Originally posted to LiveJournal

I’m starting to prepare for a new animation I shall be naming Invasion!

So far I have only made these two and I need to find more plasticine (or Play-Do if I start getting desperate!) I shall also be finding some art shops to get board and such to create a rather pants housing estate and sets, etc.

I’m tempted to go all B-Move and make a UFO on a string but that’s yet to be decided. I suspect this might be a project that will cost £100 and be finished some time around May (depending on how lazy I am and how long it take to acquire my required items).

I’m not too sure how I’m going to edit this since iMovie is wank, but I might see if David will re-acquire a firewire card and find the (Pinnacle) Studio 7 CDs.

As per my style all scripts will not exist until at least 24 hours before I need to record and possibly no script will ever turn up then, so it’s going to be full of awkward silence and shitty lines, as well as continuity fuck ups and just general naff-ness. But that shall begin my downward spiral in to my creative mind and my later productions should be much better and on par with my pre-9 to 5 desk job stuff.

If you’re interested I’m putting up the official Invasion! web site now.
