LJ Post 628629

All I fucking hear is moan - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Seriously, I’m getting slightly fucked off with beaing moaned at about the electricity.

Every so often he gets on his big white fucking horse and declares “since you came my electric has gone up bu three times”. Now I’m not saying my electric usage hasn’t added to this, I’m sure it has but 3 times isn’t entirely my fault.

Since I came along he’s added the following things:

He’s gone from two normal tellys one in the bed room and one in the lounge to 2 flat screens (lounge and bedroom) two flat screens (kitchen and bathroom) new sound system, dvd and various other video switches ALL OF WHICH ARE ON STANDBY all the time. He’s added a video camera system, 3 cameras, 3 chargers one video unit. Upped his fridges to a north american style one and two wine fridges, he’s keeping a “backup” server for work, has TWO broadband lines (one for work and the home one) both run TWO routers (plus my one vonage line). At one point he had THREE PCs on all the time. As well as an assortment of chargers for various laptops.

I on the other hand had my imac, speakers, 2 phones (sipgate voip phone and DECT phone), scanner about 4 other things I can’t remember, I’d occasionally forget to switch off my mobile charger and my gameboy charger was left plugged in most of the time. I also have a blue2net wireless network thing on for my ipaq and a 3com hub for the pc and various splits from the vonage router in the spare bedroom (which is always on anyway).

I’ve now cut back to just the PC (no speakers since it doesn’t have sound card), the sipgate phone another voip phone while I transition off the sipgate line which will be running off the pc now) and behind me I left on speakers and the scanner as well as an external harddrive because I couldn’t reach the switch at the wall (those are now turned off). And I’ve exchanged the DECT handset for the eMailer [only available phone that works in the house - I’ve also disabled it from dialling 090 numbers until it has a wobbler and disables itself] because the poxy handset batteries are fucked big style. My mobile charger is at work (free leccy).

And his highness walked in and spoke to me like shit about it as if it’s all my fucking fault. As I mentioned I will take credit for some wastage but not all of it. With him he’s always innocent and I’m the evil doer, well mother fucker here is on another mission to show him up. He used to blame me for him being late for work, so for a month I got up extremely early and waited until 8.45am for a lift when he decided to get around to showering (he needed to be at work for half 8 mind!) and every day he was always late with my 30 minute wait for him, so that shut him the fuck up.

So I shall be collecting my chargers and leaving them at my desk at work (excluding mobile) and charge all my shit up on Wavin’s tab, disconnecting the other voip phone and leaving the email on as well as as mentioned turning off the imac’s supply at the wall. So on a normal day only the hubs, phone and router will be on (the cable modem shan’t be counted since it’s shared between my router and his router (dual IP service from Telewest), but the second BT Broadband line is entirely his).

And come next quarter I’ll ram that fucking bill down his throat.
