LJ Post 668672

Well LJ shat upon that one - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Thank you email post for being wank, let us view the post here ass wipe.

“IT Consultant” uses GPRS abroad, gets charged £1,800 for downloading Microsoft updates, claims ignorance, halarity ensues: http://www.3g.co.uk/3GForum/showthread.php?t=36196

He’s replied to my various comments, so it’s been nessary to point out what a tard he’s being, therefore internet truth brigade attack!

Quote: Originally Posted by spmcgrath No huge companies legal departments have to be paid whether they work or not, and external lawyers are also usually on retainers too. So I don’t think there were scared of my legal resources.

You obviously missed my point entirely, which is fair enough as you seem to be two pieces of bread short of a sandwich. Orange dropped £800 because they can’t be bothered to take you to court then have to chase after you to get it. For £800 (which is a lot less than filing the paper work, paying somebody to stand there and show a magistrate you’re a bit silly and then ring up the bailiffs when you refuse to pay on “moral grounds”) they got you crying “I IS TEH WINNAR ME ARE RIGHT!” and completely forgetting you still owe a grand. It’s safe to say Orange have made a “BOOM! HEADSHOT”.

Quote: Originally Posted by spmcgrath Luck! No, I pissed them off so much, that they were forced to do the right thing. Sounds like hardliner sour grapes to me. Perseverance and the knowledge I was in the right perhaps.

No, you haven’t “pissed them off in to doing the right thing”, you have just annoyed them to the point where they can’t be bothered having petty arguements with somebody who can’t quite grasp the concept of personal wrong doing. And why would I have a sour taste about this, you’ve made a tit of yourself on the internet, you’ve proved youre IT Skillz are limited to “making the dial up to teh aol” and you still owe ONE THOUSAND POUNDS to Orange. At the end of the day I’ve got better things to sweat over than a fool on a message board and at the moment it’s the 30C weather outside.

Quote: Originally Posted by spmcgrath Yes, both owned by French Telecom. I a repeat, a £££ paper transfer.

France Telecom, there isn’t a nation on this earth called “French” so why would they have a telecom company? And they still are seperate companies, my employer is owned by a group in another fine European country, they say in their books that we made them Xbn euros but at the end of the day that money we’ve made is still sitting in a UK bank account and being used back within the UK business. So just because we share a name doesn’t mean the German business can start taking our money and we can’t take theirs, why? Because we are two different companies set up in two different countries.

Quote: Originally Posted by spmcgrath Can we agree to dissagree on everything, and move on? Back to Canada perhaps?

Only if you promise to move back to the land of the faries where all you say is correct and the world is an evil pla… oh wait, you’re already there.

Consider this internet squabble closed as to be honest I’ve got better things to do than argue my point with you, as regardless of what is correct and true you’re so stubborn that you wouldn’t be able to see it even if I were to smack you around with the cricket bat of sense or the holy axe of self realisation. Good day to you sir.

I think one Mr. should input some kind of pwnage in to this thread as it be tha law muddah fukkah.
