LJ Post 715147

What another off with her head - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Why am I the only one on Vox who likes making suicide?

On an unrelated note, I probably should have added this to my previous post titled Woman, drop the gun but then that would be counted as efficiency and you don’t pay me enough for that kind of business.

Tomorrow I think I might do the Tescos 2.5 mile walk depending on the state of the Yoofs, being mugged in a subway while wandering the streets of an increadibly posh town won’t do much for my street cred and quite frankly I don’t have the time to kick around a few pentioners to get my cred back.

Speaking of random things, I’m getting the feeling I might have forgot to do something at work. Thankfully I’m not important enough to have forgot to set the alarms and thus breaking the stock exchange and a string of data protection laws at the same time, but I’m sure it was slightly important enough for me to have known better. Oh well.

Also, I’m now on a Tesco’s diet. Basically I’ve got about 56p to last me untill the 25th (and I still need to buy a nuns outfit mind) so I shall be sourcing only Tesco’s finest instant noodles and yoghurt pots at an appatising 8p each. As you can tell I’m pure class me. And speaking of class from my bump not only do I have to pry back the bumper but I also managed to break one of my side lights, literally only a fortnight after they replaced the bulb at my cost. I’m starting to wish I had my Micra back.

Now back to my evening of GAY DISCO.

ps. this better be HT-Bloody-ML on my interweb posts.
