LJ Post 740372

Sindra WTF Get off my planet America - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Occasionally I partake in the viewing of a DVD based film, this afternoon was no exception to this policy.

Having received an offer from LoveFilm for 3 free months if I return to them, I of course had to do so (seeing as they threw money at me). So I have rented an assortment of films and possibly some pornographics too, but I’m not too sure.

Anyways, I viewed the film “V for Vendela” or was it Vendetta, one can not remember. But on that lines it was safe to say it was a rather good film and you bastards better see it or I’ll show you unity through faith.

In some non-filmed activity I went off to work today to mash my keys in like a monkey and get some crap out of my way for Tuesday, after such an interesting event I went off to Tescos.

This isn’t a very good idea, you see, I have Tesco rage. I get in, I know what I want, I grab it, I pay for it and get the fuck out. But I’m always prevented from doing so from parking jerks, old people, stupid families with stupid children and thickos who think that an asile is a good place to have a chat with their trollies blocking them.

Once I left with my 6.50 worth of goods I nearly was wound up enough to kill.

Thankfully I went off and had a MacDonalds to chill my hatred of humanity, it was nice and cost me 3.33 oddly enough, crazy.

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