LJ Post 740906

Amazon - Originally posted to LiveJournal

Are also fucking pricks:

“Dear Customer,

We wanted to give you an update on the status of your order [026-8546380-7906805].

We are sorry to inform you that we have been unable to obtain the following item:

“AC Power Adaptor (Nintendo DS)”

This item has now been cancelled from your order and we can confirm that you have not been charged for it.

Please accept our apologies for any disappointment or inconvenience caused.“

So I sent this to the knob ends:

“Thank you for cancelling my order and gracefully wasting my time. I would appreciate it if you’d include some kind of other suggestion on where on Amazon I could obtain a replacement power adapter for a Nintendo DS instead of sending me a “LOLWTFBBQ UP URS COMPUTAR SAYZ NO!!!” email.“

I’m fucking wound up about this as my DS doesn’t work with out the electricity, I ORDERED a replacement it took me FUCKING AGES to get the right one of Amazon as their vague descrptions and shitty product images didn’t help at all. Now I got to find another. I can either order one from Nintendo, but I doubt they’ll have one, they might advise me to buy a new fucking DS because they’re cunts like that or I can try one of the various game shops, but what fucking chance do I have? I’ll probably have to drive 400 miles to get one, ARSE!

Fuck you Christmas, fuck you New Year and a hearty FUCK YOU UNIVERSE.

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