LJ Post 759795

On Vox Road Rage - Originally posted to LiveJournal

            <a href="http://monkeybox.vox.com/library/video/6a00c225236c0b8fdb00d41420dc4a6a47.html"><img src="http://a2.vox.com/6a00c225236c0b8fdb00d41420dc4a6a47-320pi" alt="MOV00015" title="MOV00015" /></a>
        <div class="enclosure-meta">
            <div class="enclosure-asset-name"><a href="http://monkeybox.vox.com/library/video/6a00c225236c0b8fdb00d41420dc4a6a47.html" title="MOV00015">MOV00015</a></div>
Because I only have one hand free it doesn't quite represent fully the incident, also it's worth noting it was only my lack of depth perception looking at the screen that I hit my faux car, there wasn't any contact in the real life drama.

The number 9 car is the stupid bitch who cut me up and the smashed up sports car is mine.

I went to turn in to Maccas, this woman was in Aldis and instead of stopping she just went out in front of me and waved (as if I let her in), I honked at the ignorant bitch which she ignored and I also, before I realised it, gave her a two finger salute before resuming my trip in to MacDonalds.

That my friends is unintentional road rage.

Also unlike the reconstruction I didn't stop, but since I had one had free to move objects I improvised in my crime watch style reconstruction!

Originally posted on monkeybox.vox.com
