LJ Post 765837

On Vox YOUR INTERNETS CONFUSE ME - Originally posted to LiveJournal

        <div class="enclosure-image">
            <a href="http://monkeybox.vox.com/library/photo/6a00c225236c0b8fdb00d4142890483c7f.html"><img src="http://a0.vox.com/6a00c225236c0b8fdb00d4142890483c7f-200pi" alt="4455normal_Internet-SeriousBusiness" title="4455normal_Internet-SeriousBusiness" /></a>
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            <div class="enclosure-asset-name"><a href="http://monkeybox.vox.com/library/photo/6a00c225236c0b8fdb00d4142890483c7f.html" title="4455normal_Internet-SeriousBusiness">4455normal_Internet-SeriousBusiness</a></div>

I bet you people have missed your internet superstar this week and if you're of the small minority who haven't your ass is straight off my christmas card list and right on my "run down in the street and make dead" list.

Anyways, here is my reasoning for this god for saken bag of shit post, because we all know if I'm not having a Tyra Tirade I'm usually coming out with the blogorrhea.  Here is just a rather brief summary of what I've been up to this week:

I've obtained employment on a permanent basis, which is a rather odd turn of events really, but hey ho!  I'm now working for a fleet management company who will not be named as I know they've got the Google and will probably reconsider my employment after reading six lines of my anti-human xenophobia (somebody might want to correct me here, but I can't seem to think of what you call it when you have an un-natural hatred of an entire species).

So far I've been in training, but I can tell you it's still scaring the living shit out of me.  Not only is it the usual twist that the universe likes making my first phone call at any organisation the worst that there is on offer, but it's that the internets is banned, mobiles are the banned and more frighteningly, that there is a wee-wee rota*.

But I guess after a while of getting with it, all in the universe will settle and I'll be enjoying it bo' selecta style.

OH AND BEFORE I GO, just to give you some insider secrets and such, there is a photographic system that they employ.  I was going through it randomly, poking my nose where it don't belong only to find this, rather amusing, van with a few comedic stories.  I, of course will get sued and sacked hardcore if I were to mention them, but just imagine you're a garage and picture the glee that you'd have when the below comes rolling through your doors:

        <div class="enclosure-image">
            <a href="http://monkeybox.vox.com/library/photo/6a00c225236c0b8fdb00d4142890b83c7f.html"><img src="http://a0.vox.com/6a00c225236c0b8fdb00d4142890b83c7f-500pi" alt="Innocentsmoothie" title="Innocentsmoothie" /></a>
        <div class="enclosure-meta">
            <div class="enclosure-asset-name"><a href="http://monkeybox.vox.com/library/photo/6a00c225236c0b8fdb00d4142890b83c7f.html" title="Innocentsmoothie">Innocentsmoothie</a></div>


Obviously I googled this photo, I'm not into that corporate espionage crap.  I prefer my mob connections over my book cooking fuck you very much.

Originally posted on monkeybox.vox.com
