LJ Post 767825

On Vox Fuck you fucking fucker - Originally posted to LiveJournal

This turned quickly from a simple LJ comment to a whole hearted hate filled post, so here you go:

I've got a neighbour at the end of my road who is a bit of a fuckwit and gets wound up when your tyres hit the stone-kerb-thing.  He even came running after me one morning because I DARE COME NEAR HIS!!111

Even this morning the prick started shouting at me because I was trying to maneuver the ford ranger off the drive without taking off the front end of my direct neighbours cars (yes, plural) and had to go up slightly on to the kerb (the tyres never touched the actual grass of not-his-lawn neighbours, so I'm fucking well rightous with my god like reversing abilities).

So I'm going to deal with him in the only language he understands, pettyness.  Next time his visitors park on our grass (seriously the entire neighbourhood does, so I should be able to 4x4 on all their pretty little front gardens without guilt) I'll bang on his door at 3am and have them moved.  Then in the morning when I need to move the other car I'll leave the fucking thing in the road and walk off if I need to venture near the kerb stones.  No doubt that will stop his behaviour sharpish.

Originally posted on monkeybox.vox.com
