
There are 0 authors on this blog:

I started writing on #LiveJournal back in the Y2K - this is an export of all my activities there.

Latest articles

LJ Post 1256101

North American Folk - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1567008

Americans redoing tv - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1567369

1567369 - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1256320

1256320 - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1567607

North American Folk - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1255379

Contact Details Update - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1255055

Recently Twattered - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1568973

Recently Twattered - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1568514

Contact Details Update - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1254404

1254404 - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1254785

December and January are shit - Originally posted to LiveJournal

LJ Post 1569489

1569489 - Originally posted to LiveJournal