blackle mori

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I do lots of random stuff because my brain has too many chemicals inside of it. 1994 ⚧ it/its



Hiro 🦥💤

日本生まれ、ペルー育ち、米国で10年越えの ATCK 。
本好き オーディオブック、電子本、ポッドキャスト など。ながらで出来るものほど使ってます。紙媒体頑張りたい。

>直リプ御免! <
 ̄Y^Y^Y^Y^Y ̄

☎️<(残念ながら空リプにお応えできないことが殆どです。私からの何らかのリアクションをご希望の方は、お気軽に直リプをお願いします。) ピーッ

A person with #INFP and #HSP .
#Reader of things.
Learner of #Emacs .

🇯🇵 fluent
🇺🇲 fluent
🇪🇸🇵🇪 intermediate



Aspiring solarpunk living in Toronto, open source software developer. Learning what I want and how to live it.




random clueless person from the internet
occasional accidental poet
fool with a keyboard
goes by kyrievo in some places
flirts ok
dms ok

mysterious hexadecimal

yet another one of those human things.
uses #9front and #openbsd.


linear cannon

some girl who writes code sometimes
i live in the midwest and do tech things
i like old computers and weird operating systems and writing emulators
i have many girlfriends
sometimes i make music as 'ersatz waterfall'
consumerism is destructive
i do not have a mastodon account
if you send me a follow request and you already follow me on twitter, or recently migrated instances, dm me so i know who you are

DJ Sundog - from the toot-lab

Trying to break things that need breaking, deliberately and after much reflection, make things in a likewise manner, and generally reshape the various worlds I inhabit to be slightly more habitable.

into music, retrocomputing, people, caring, and thinking.

dislike capitalism, cryptocurrency, terfs, nazis, fascists, racists, & edgelords.

Feel free to ask questions. I will not always answer.

My posts are licensed CC-BY-NC-ND - see


Wenn ihr mich sucht: Ich bin am Schnittpunkt zwischen Technik und Gesellschaft.

Software, Events und Memologie im @chaosdorf, Informatikstudium und -Verpeilung an der @HHU, Rants und Kalauer hier

silberne Hackermedaille bei Ingress, häufig müde, Autoupdatefluencer

andere Menschen über mich:
* "ein am Handy spielender Halbstarker"
* "jung und dynamisch" "mit der Energie, was verändern zu wollen"
* "Experte für alles"

📸 @hanemile
📍Rhein-Kreis Neuss, NRW
Pronomen: er/he


chicagoan sqlite3 artist


Rafał screams at FPGA boards

Software/gateware engineer, retrocomputing enthusiast. Burned-out Linux ricer and gamer. Amiga Rulez! SEGA fanboy. Contains ADHD.

Working with mainframes in the past made me questioning POSIX monopoly.

On fediverse since 2017, previously on:,,